«Dialogues About Delay» is an exhibition where three drawings, by different artists, share the same space based on a common condition: the particular relationship of anxiety, pleasure and discomfort that the drawing maintains with the duration of its making. This other temporality of drawing is at the opposite extreme of immediate and spontaneous. As a practical condition, delay is made up of extensions, returns, reiterations, reservations, doubles. It suggests an insistent confrontation with the thickness of time while drawing, an attempt to give substance to duration and waiting. As a lived experience, delay is what results from the discrepancy between a situation that remains static and an event in progress. (...)The “Seven Lionesses”, by Tatiana Moés, returns to the archives of Portuguese colonial memory through photographs of the captured Gungunhana and his seven wives posing before the camera. Instead of focusing on the figure of the Mozambican Monarch, his drawings are a questioning of the images of the seven queens and the relative obscurity to which they were cast. Drawing, in its multiple fictitious games with time, becomes an exercise in memory and empowerment, made up of lapses, reservations, concealments and overlaps. The hybrid condition that brings together the time of the present gaze with the past gaze of photography is also a form of survival for drawing." by Paulo Luís Almeida
Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of PortoInstitute of Research in Art, Design and Society